Key Videos of Key People
Below are a medium selection of Swansea related videos featuring some of the key people admired elsewhere on this site and some people who languish between the top 25 and bottom 16 of Swansea's 'All Time Biggest States' list. Some videos even feature myself playing myself so should be viewed with caution and will undoubtedly bear similarities to Norman Kember's work so don't mistake the two.

Mark Ferry 'Gold As Good' A goal for all mankind. Goethe? Einstein? Mensa? He-Man? Portland Bill and his fucking penguins? Where are they at 11.03am in the Swansea Jack when the main players are there swilling the Skol? Fucking Mickey Mouse the lot of them!


The Haka Swansea Style (Note the post haka clapping and chants about a manager who left nearly 20 years previous to the video being produced)

Shopping Swansea Style
Only the best produce will suffice for the Delmonte Man and for Garyjack too


Fine dining Swansea West & East Style
Swansea: A major influence on the career of one bald, dead, American man named Jackson Pollock

Click here to view the full list of titles available from ABSOLUTE DEFINATE SUCCESS productions.